Flour Power

Flour Power

In recent years, the quest for sustainable food sources has led to innovative solutions, one of which is the production of flours made from food scraps. These flours offer a dual benefit: they reduce food waste while providing nutritious alternatives to traditional flours.

Coffee flour

Coffee flour is made by drying and milling coffee cherry pulp (the fruit surrounding the bean), which is considered a byproduct of coffee processing and often discarded. It offers a unique flavour reminiscent of coffee, adding depth to baked goods. With a small amount of caffeine left, this flour provides a gentle energy boost. It’s also packed with nutrients, such as potassium, iron and antioxidants.

Grape seed flour

A byproduct of the wine-making industry and typically discarded, grape seeds are now repurposed into flour. After the grapes are pressed for juice, the seeds are dried and ground into a fine powder. Rich in fiber and essential antioxidants, grape seed flour is a versatile ingredient that can be used in baking, cooking, or as a supplement.

Okara flour

Derived from soybean processing, okara flour is a byproduct of tofu and soy milk production. Okara, the pulpy residue left after extracting soy milk, is dehydrated and ground into a fine powder. This flour is an excellent source of protein, fiber, and essential nutrients like calcium and iron. Okara flour’s mild flavour makes it adaptable to various recipes, from baking to thickening soups and stews.

Pumpkin seed flour

After pumpkin seeds are processed for their oil, the remaining meal is ground into a flour. Pumpkin seed flour is a protein-packed option, boasting essential nutrients like magnesium, zinc, and healthy fats. Its nutty flavour makes it a versatile ingredient for both sweet and savoury recipes. Health food stores and specialty online retailers often stock pumpkin seed flour for consumers looking to diversify their baking ingredients.

Spent grain flour

After the brewing process, spent beer grains are often discarded as waste. However, they can be repurposed into flour by drying and milling them. Beer grain flour is high in protein and fiber, with a unique malty flavour. It can be used in bread, pancakes, or other baked goods. Some craft breweries partner with local bakeries or sell through specialty food stores, while others sell their spent grains directly to consumers.

Sobeys makes great strides on sustainability journey

Sobeys makes great strides on sustainability journey

At a time when environmental consciousness is at the forefront of consumer concerns, businesses are under increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices. Sobeys, one of Canada’s leading grocery retailers and Second Harvest’s longstanding partner, has stepped up to the challenge. The company is making significant strides on its sustainability journey by addressing food surplus at both national and local levels. 

Sobeys has achieved a 32% reduction in food waste within its retail operations, a milestone toward its goal of a 50% reduction by 2025. In 2023, Sobeys Inc. rescued over 31 million pounds of food across all locations, achieving the public commitment it set in 2021. Driving the progress is a sustainability mindset adopted throughout the company’s operations. 

At the national level, Sobeys has implemented a comprehensive strategy to minimize food waste throughout its supply chain. The company embraces technology and data analytics to optimize inventory management to reduce overstock and ensure that products move efficiently from farm to shelf. Store managers are actively involved in a food waste prevention program which includes training in foundational skills and knowledge, as well as finding creative solutions to repurpose surplus food. 

Also key to Sobeys’ progress is the national partnership with Second Harvest. Last year, about 80% of Sobeys Inc. stores across the country used the Second Harvest Food Rescue App to donate over than 31 million pounds of surplus food to social service organizations in nearly 900 communities. In the process, the company prevented 54.5 million kg of harmful greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere – the equivalent of emissions from 16,000 cars. 

The app streamlines the process of rescuing and redistributing surplus food and empowers each store to take action against hunger in its own community by building lasting partnerships with local non-profits. Almost 85% of Sobeys stores have made a donation through the app, and some have been supporting the same social service organization since 2021.  

“Sobey’s Islington and Bloor is a great location to pick up a food rescue donation for produce, grains and a variety of meats, mostly chicken and pork. Sobey’s Islington and Bloor provides the much needed aid for our charity’s outreach food and meal program.” 

– Dowling Community Service Residence –

Looking ahead, Sobeys will continue to work closely with Second Harvest to encourage stores to fight food insecurity while aiming to meet their ambitious sustainability goals. The company provides an open channel of communications, allowing our representatives to get in touch with stores to understand their concerns and answer questions. Some locations go the extra mile, offering speaking opportunities for Second Harvest at their meetings to conduct training and education on the importance of food rescue and food waste reduction.   

We’re thrilled to see Sobeys’ progress on its sustainability journey. By tackling food waste at both national and local levels, the company is making a positive impact on the environment and the communities it serves.  

How Denmark reduces food waste by changing consumer habits

How Denmark reduces food waste by changing consumer habits

Editor’s Note: Food waste isn’t just a Canadian problem – it’s a global issue with devastating impacts on climate change and hunger. All over the world, countries struggle to ensure good food ends up on plates instead of landfills, and many have developed unique strategies to face this crisis head-on.   

In this series of articles, The Harvest Journal will explore food waste policies around the world and highlight what different countries are doing to prevent and reduce waste, build more sustainable and resilient food systems, protect our planet and finally put an end to food waste. We previously covered Japan, Finland, Korea and France.    

In recent years, the Danish government, businesses and communities have come together to implement initiatives to create a more sustainable future. Between 2010 and 2015, it reduced its food waste by 25%, valued at about 4.4 billion DDK. This success is largely attributable to changing consumer habits. Here’s how the country did it.  

Public and private initiatives  

At the forefront of Denmark’s food waste revolution is the movement Stop Spild Af Mad, which translates to “Stop Wasting Food.” Founded by activist Selina Juul in 2008, this non-profit organization has played a pivotal role in raising awareness about food waste and promoting practical solutions. Through campaigns, educational programs and collaborations with businesses, Stop Spild Af Mad has encouraged individuals and companies to take responsibility for their consumption habits. 

This movement is supported by Danish consumers, Members of the European Parliament, Members of Danish Parliament, top Danish chefs, and food personalities. The Danish Consumer Council has also initiated a campaign to increase consumer awareness of food waste. 

To foster collaboration between the private and public sectors, the Danish Ministry of the Environment established a voluntary “Initiative Group Against Food Waste” in 2011. This laid the groundwork for the “Charter on Less Food Waste,” signed by 19 major stakeholders affirming their commitment. 

Innovative retail practices 

In 2016, non-profit organization Folkekirkens Nødhjælp (DanChurchAid) launched WeFood, Denmark’s first surplus food supermarket. The concept is simple yet effective. The store collects surplus food from supermarkets, farmers and other suppliers that would otherwise go to waste due to cosmetic imperfections, short shelf life, or overproduction. Customers can then purchase these perfectly edible items at about 30 to 50% lower than the original price. From one location in Copenhagen, there are now 6 WeFood stores all across Denmark.  

Also in 2016, the Danish tech startup “Too Good To Go” launched a mobile app aimed at connecting consumers with businesses to rescue surplus food at the end of the day. The app allows restaurants, bakeries, and grocery stores to sell unsold, but still fresh and quality food at a discounted price, preventing it from being discarded. It’s currently available in 17 countries, including Canada.  

Danish supermarkets, warehouses and mini-markets create 45,676 tonnes of food waste per year, and several have begun to look for ways to curb this. For example, Supermarket chains REMA 1000, Coop and LIDL no longer offer quantity discounts to prevent people from buying more than they need. Since bread is often the largest source of food waste (about 29,000 tonnes of bread and cakes are thrown away every year), REMA 1000 reduces the size of its house-brand bread by 40 to 50%, which in turn lowers its price.  

By addressing food waste from multiple angles – awareness campaigns, collaborative partnerships, and technological solutions – Denmark serves as an inspiring example for other countries seeking effective strategies to reduce food waste and build a more sustainable future.  

The Second Harvest Sweepstakes experience – courtside thrills and family fun

The Second Harvest Sweepstakes experience – courtside thrills and family fun

The Second Harvest Sweepstakes, presented by Moneris, is back from February 6 to March 7, 2024. Each ticket purchase not only places participants in the running for great prizes but also supports Second Harvest’s food rescue and redistribution efforts. 

Last year’s line-up included 16 prizes, ranging from luxury resort stays to state-of-the-art household appliances. We reached out to two winners and asked them to share their experiences with the prizes they won.

Click to enter the 2024 Second Harvest Sweepstakes!

Dale Yoshida

2023 Prize: Raptors Vs Milwaukee Bucks 

Two lower bowl tickets to watch the Toronto Raptors as they took on the Milwaukee Bucks on Sunday, April 9, 2023 for the last home game of the season. Package also included a two-night stay at the Residence Inn Toronto Downtown/Entertainment District, and a $1,000 CAD prepaid credit card to assist with travel expenses.

Courtesy of: MLSE, Easton’s Group of Hotels, and Anonymous | Value: $2,800.00 

What prize did you want to win when you bought the tickets?      

Honestly, I wasn’t looking at the prizes to be won. I was just interested in donating to the cause. 

How did you feel when you won this prize?   

I was so surprised to hear that I had won the prize, so it was very exciting. 

How was the game?  

My husband and I found the game very exciting and entertaining with lots going on in between times. Our seats were amazing! It was a lot of fun to experience the atmosphere of the game. 

How was the stay at the Residence Inn Toronto? What did you like most about your stay there? 

It was our first time staying at a Residence Inn and as our experience was positive, we have since stayed at another Residence Inn on a subsequent trip to another city. The hotel was very comfortable and convenient to ScotiaBank Arena. The room included a full hot breakfast which was definitely a bonus! 

What did you do during your trip in Toronto? What was the highlight of this trip?   

We were able to visit and spend some time with our daughter who lives in Toronto. The highlight of the trip really was the experience of watching an NBA game. It was a wonderful treat to get away for a few days with all expenses paid. 

Patricia Davies 

2023 Prize: Vancouver Canucks Experience 

Two lower bowl seats to watch the Canucks play at their home rink in Vancouver B.C. in the 2023/2024 season. Package also included two Canucks Jerseys, a two-night stay at the JW Marriott Parq Vancouver, and a $1,000 CAD prepaid credit card to assist with travel expenses.

Courtesy of The Aquilini Beverage Group and Anonymous | Value: $3,110.00 

What prize did you want to win when you bought the tickets?      

The prize I hope to win was the one to Vancouver for the Canucks. My family lives in Victoria. And I would have loved to have taken them to see the Canucks. 

How did you feel when you won this prize?   

I never expected to get it. When I saw them all, I thought “Oh, those are all nice. Wouldn’t it be nice if I got this one?” And then I forgot about it completely.  

How was the game?  

I took my son and my two grandsons. The game was excellent. The Canucks won. Everything was just perfect.  

How was the stay at the hotel? What did you like most about your stay there?     

The hotel was beautiful. The room was huge and excellent. We even used the hot tub in the outdoor area. We ordered appetizers and drinks from the hotel’s deli. It was a very, very nice day. 

What did you do during your trip in Vancouver? What was the highlight of this trip?   

Because it was close to Halloween, we visited many costume shops to see if we could get costumes for the boys, which we did. I bought them their Halloween costumes with the $1,000 Visa card. The highlight of this trip was definitely the game. 

Click to enter the 2024 Second Harvest Sweepstakes!

Why monthly giving matters

Why monthly giving matters

While one-time donations undoubtedly contribute to a cause you support, there is a growing recognition of the unique and transformative power that monthly donors hold. The decision to become a monthly donor is a commitment that goes beyond mere financial support – it represents hope and a determination to make a positive change.

Here’s why you should consider becoming a monthly donor to a charity organization.

Consistent and larger impact

Monthly donors provide a steady and reliable stream of income for the charity. This allows the organization to plan and implement long-term projects with greater confidence, knowing they have a stable source of funding. Since processing monthly donations typically involves less administrative work compared to individual one-time donations, more of your money goes directly to the cause.


Monthly donations are often set up as automatic transactions, making it convenient for donors. You don’t have to remember to make a donation each month, and it’s also easier on your budget. Regular contributions can be easier to track for tax purposes, and you can be eligible for tax deductions for charitable giving.

On the other hand, you’ll have the flexibility to change or pause your contributions if your financial circumstances change.

Deeper engagement with the cause

Many charities offer special perks or exclusive updates to their monthly donors. At Second Harvest, this can include newsletters, impact reports, or even invitations to special events.

By joining our community of monthly donors, the Heart of the Harvest, you can witness the tangible impact of your contributions unfolding over time, actively participating in the real-world changes you help bring about. This connection generates profound fulfillment, cultivating a sense of shared purpose and satisfaction in the knowledge that your contributions are making a lasting difference.