Why monthly giving matters

by | Jan 9, 2024 | Environment, Hunger Relief

While one-time donations undoubtedly contribute to a cause you support, there is a growing recognition of the unique and transformative power that monthly donors hold. The decision to become a monthly donor is a commitment that goes beyond mere financial support – it represents hope and a determination to make a positive change.

Here’s why you should consider becoming a monthly donor to a charity organization.

Consistent and larger impact

Monthly donors provide a steady and reliable stream of income for the charity. This allows the organization to plan and implement long-term projects with greater confidence, knowing they have a stable source of funding. Since processing monthly donations typically involves less administrative work compared to individual one-time donations, more of your money goes directly to the cause.


Monthly donations are often set up as automatic transactions, making it convenient for donors. You don’t have to remember to make a donation each month, and it’s also easier on your budget. Regular contributions can be easier to track for tax purposes, and you can be eligible for tax deductions for charitable giving.

On the other hand, you’ll have the flexibility to change or pause your contributions if your financial circumstances change.

Deeper engagement with the cause

Many charities offer special perks or exclusive updates to their monthly donors. At Second Harvest, this can include newsletters, impact reports, or even invitations to special events.

By joining our community of monthly donors, the Heart of the Harvest, you can witness the tangible impact of your contributions unfolding over time, actively participating in the real-world changes you help bring about. This connection generates profound fulfillment, cultivating a sense of shared purpose and satisfaction in the knowledge that your contributions are making a lasting difference.

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