Tempest in a Green Bin: The Food Waste Revolution

by | Apr 5, 2021 | Food Waste

Last month’s Report on Business Magazine reported that the giant asset management firm BlackRock would be using climate change as a defining feature in investing its $9 trillion dollars of assets, and that investment funds using ESG (environmental, social and governance) principles grew from one third to two-thirds of the global market. But is this just the latest investment trend or a genuine change in priorities?

With the COVID-19 pandemic pushing more people into food insecurity, and food waste contributing to greenhouse gases and climate change, our choices as donors, investors and consumers have never been as urgent as they are today. 

That’s why you won’t want to miss “Tempest in a Green Bin: The Food Waste Revolution” – a vital and timely discussion about driving social and environmental change, savvy strategies for ESG-focused investors, and how to spark a food waste revolution wherever you are.

Join host and Food Network celebrity chef Bob Blumer on Tuesday, April 13 at noon EST when he’ll be joined by experts in global philanthropy, ESG investing and food recovery for an hour of high-impact, world-changing conversation. Click here to see the full lineup of guests and to register. Registration is free but spaces are limited so register today.