Using Healthy Food and Goodwill to Feed the Future

by | Jan 23, 2021 | Food Waste, Hunger Relief

Before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, one in six Canadian children under the age of 18 lived in food insecure households, while rates of household food insecurity have since been exacerbated by the pandemic. School nutrition programs often bridge the food gap for families throughout the school year, but what happens during the summer months?

Second Harvest has been committed to supporting children, youth and families with increasing their access to healthy food since 1985. Our program Feeding our Future plays an important role in filling the summer months food gap with healthy lunches for free to families and subsidizing summer camps. In 2020 however, the Feeding our Future program underwent a major transformation due to the pandemic. With youth no longer able to attend camp, we pivoted the program to ensure that we could still safely support children and youth by providing 12,995 healthy food

and resource kits to families across Toronto. 

This summer, Second Harvest is thrilled to offer

food and resource kits once again through the Feeding our Future program. From July 4th to August 26th, we will partner with 33 agencies in Ontario, located in Etobicoke, North York, Toronto center, Scarborough and Brampton, to deliver between 17,000 to 18,000 kits during the summer months. Second Harvest aims to provide healthy meals and snack options as well as educational and recreational resources to 5,000 children and youth and 2,000 families across the Greater Toronto Area. 

Feeding our Future Impact:

Did you know?

… that 100 percent ambien of Feeding our Future kits are packed and prepared by our committed volunteers? Not only does the program provide hundreds of Toronto-based families with access to nutritious food throughout the summer, it also opens the door for hundreds of volunteers to donate their time through supporting Second Harvest with kit-packing. This summer, individual volunteers and corporate and community groups will contribute 1,000 to 1,200 volunteer hours to Feeding our Future by the end of the summer. Achieving our program goals would not be possible without the time, talent and dedication of our volunteers.

We thank all of our volunteers for their commitment to helping families!