Food Rescue on the Global Stage

by | Nov 4, 2020 | Environment, Food Waste

Second Harvest’s own Lori Nikkel was designated a #FoodHero by the United Nations FAO on World Food Day, giving an opportunity for the CEO of Canada’s largest food rescue company to amplify her voice and message to a global audience.

“During the first few weeks of COVID-19 where there was nothing in the grocery stores, every Canadian, in that moment, was feeling really food insecure and very scared,” Lori says. “Managing the fear was probably the most important part – explaining to people that the supply chain is fine.”

Lori Nikkel

Connecting people in need with food

Through Second Harvest, Lori ensures that over 15 million pounds of surplus, nutritious foods – dairy, protein and produce –are diverted from landfills to non-profit organizations each year. Through digital technology and human connections in addition to leveraging third party logistics, storage and distribution centres have increased access to healthy foods during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lori realized that with many businesses shutting down Canada would soon see a huge spike in surplus food, but also a rise in people who could not afford or gain access to enough nutritious food.

#FOODHEROES making a difference

Lori launched the Food Rescue Canadian Alliance, a national task force with members from government and the food industry as well as Indigenous and non-profit leaders. The group was tasked with ensuring that supply could meet demand without over-saturating the charitable sector with surplus commodities, like potatoes.

Behind our food, there is always someone who produced, planted, harvested, fished or transported it. We take the opportunity to thank these #FoodHeroes who, no matter the circumstances, continue to provide food to their communities and beyond - helping to grow, nourish and sustain our world. ”

– United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization